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About Enhancement Centre

About Enhancement Centre

The Enhancement Centre provides additional academic support within school to students who may have particular learning and assessment requirements. 


The requirement is likely to arise as a consequence of a student having Special Educational Needs (SEN) or English as an Additional Language (EAL). Teachers and tutors take account of these requirements and make provision, where necessary, to support individuals or groups of students and thus enable them to participate effectively in curriculum and assessment activities.

Enhancement Centre


Support with specific diagnosed learning difficulties across all subjects


Assist students in specific subjects where there is a barrier to accessing the subject due to their knowledge of the English Language

Curriculum support / Enrichment

Support students who have difficulty in certain subject areas or enhance students who are above average expectations

In the Enhancement Centre, we support students who:
  • have English as an Additional Language (EAL) to provide greater access to the curriculum. This includes simplifying material, revision at a slower pace and greater emphasis on subject-specific vocabulary
  • require specialised teaching approaches due to having specific learning needs, usually referred to as SEN (Special Educational Needs) or SpLD (Specific Learning Difficulties)
  • need extension activities to further develop their learning and strengthen their academic success
  • have shown above average abilities (Gifted and Talented) in certain subjects and choose extension activities to widen the boundaries of their learning to reach their full potential
The aims of the Enhancement Centre are: 
  • to create an environment that meets the educational needs of each student
  • to ensure that students needing extra support are provided for 
  • to make clear the expectations of all partners/stakeholders in the process 
  • to identify the roles and responsibilities of staff in providing for students in need of guidance and support to meet their specific educational needs
  • to enable all students to have the fullest possible access to all elements of the school curriculum