Head of Pastoral Care

Claire Polycarpou


Maria Andreou


Heads of Year

Each age range of the school has a Form Tutor or Class Teacher who is nurtures their well-being and is the first person a student should talk to if they are facing a difficulty. In each area, there is a Leader overseeing this and these Heads of Year will monitor behaviour, academic demands and attendance. They will speak with students to see how issues can be resolved and impose sanctions if necessary.

School Counsellor

At The International School of Paphos, we have a School Counsellor who is available for any student who needs to talk to about matters that might be of concern to them. The School Counsellor has a safe space where students can discuss their worries. If a student speaks to the school counsellor, a plan is formed as to how to help with the difficulty or anxiety the student is facing. If parents are concerned about their child, they can also request that the school counsellor meets with their child to discuss and investigate the concern.