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Curriculum overview

Curriculum overview


The curriculum is based on the Early Learning Goals as identified in the framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage issued by the Department of Education in England. It prepares children for their future learning in the Reception Class and beyond. The curriculum offered is consistent with the English National Curriculum. The Kindergarten also takes account of the aims set out by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth.

We believe that all children should be given the very best start to their education. Our curriculum provides a balance between activities planned by adults and also those that children initiate themselves. We seek to provide learning experiences of the highest quality. Children are encouraged to learn through structured play, as well as through opportunities to talk, listen, experiment, make observations, ask questions, and investigate for themselves. Parents are kept informed for their child’s progress through reports and regular discussions with the Class Teacher.

The Kindergarten provides a lively environment that stimulates children’s imagination and encourages them to consolidate their developing knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes. Resources, which include interactive whiteboards, are well-organised to enable children to make choices and to enrich their learning.

Every day the children have opportunities to work in a combination of group and whole-class activities. This enables staff to take account of the fact that children learn the same, but think in different ways and at different rates.

Children, for whom English is not the first language, are fully supported so that they learn at their own pace and achieve success.

In all the areas of learning, the staff seek to accommodate children’s specific religions or cultural beliefs. The curriculum includes the celebrations which are part of the local culture.

There are also opportunities that encourage children from other countries to share their traditions.

The curriculum is enhanced by educational trips linked to the programme and by visitors sharing their interests and expertise to reinforce the children’s learning.

All activities are designed to encourage children to become confident and competent learners, ultimately taking responsibility. The curriculum is carefully planned to give children the self-assurance to embrace new ideas and master new skills.

The curriculum is based on seven areas of learning