During SCIENCE WEEK, our students, from Pre-Reception to Year 6, had the opportunity to be involved in numerous practical experiments and take part in several workshops, delivered by the Nutty Scientists Team. Weird, fascinating experiments and wonderful activities took place.
The Pre-reception up to Year 2 group witnessed various chemical reactions and created smelly bath bombs.
The Year 3 to Year 6 groups took part in a ‘Dry Ice Show’ that was particularly entertaining while being informative at the same time. How can we not thank the Nutty Scientists Cyprus for their totally and utterly nutty ‘performances’!
The ‘nuttiness’ even infused the students’ Science lessons during which they created elephant toothpaste, fizzy planets, 3D human organs and enjoyed several other demonstrations by their teachers on aspects such as reactive metals. Students had a blast during this week…needless to say, we are looking forward to next year’s event.


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