Healthy minds and healthy bodies: how to maintain a balance

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  • Healthy minds and healthy bodies: how to maintain a balance
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As we are adjusting into a new academic year, we often find that we are settling into some old and routines. This not only includes activities and schedules, but will also involve finding ways to sustain ourselves through a busy day. Achieving this can be complex as we try and find the most efficient (and hopefully nutritious and delicious) way to absorb calories during a full schedule.

Eating routines and eating-on-the-go is a vast topic that can be addressed and considered in many different ways. If you’re looking for new ideas as to how to keep school-lunch interesting and tasty, take a look at this link for ideas: and

Unfortunately, in today’s media-filled world, body image and eating disorders are affecting children of a younger and younger age. This is a complicated topic, which is extremely sensitive for families; however, it may be far more prominent (or closer) than you think.

This is a useful site in which eating disorders are explained, and the signs and symptoms are discussed. It contains information on some treatment options that apply and has links to inspiring true-story accounts in overcoming this intricate, and potentially life-threatening issue.  Link: What To Do If You’re Experiencing Eating Problems | YoungMinds  

While the treatment options and support discussed may specifically apply in the context of the UK and NHS system, there are some treatment and support options available in Cyprus too. We encourage parents to inform themselves or seek support.

If a parent (or student) has any concerns about related issues, or any wellbeing and health concerns, please reach out to our Pastoral Team who have your interests at heart and would be more than willing to discuss your concerns, are able to guide you, and will treat all information strictly confidentially and with the respect it deserves.