You need an idea for an easy Halloween costume? Follow the following steps for a “Magic Hat”.
- Paper plate
- Paper birthday hat
- Black paint
- Brushes
- Glitter
- White glue or glue stick
- Decoration materials of your choice
Step 1: Stick the paper birthday hat on the plate
Step 2: Colour your hat with black paint or a colour of your choice
Step 3: Just before the paint dries, decorate it with glitter
Step 4: You may decorate your hat with various materials of your choice. Some ideas:
- Confetti
- Print out some spiders, cut them out and paste them on the hat.
- Cut out small foil circles and paste them on for decoration
Step 5: Let everything dry properly
Your Halloween hat is ready! 👻
Elsa Charalambous, Pre-Reception Teacher